Wednesday, 26 September 2012



             The unique feature of traditional medicine in india is that it flourishes at multiple levels. on the one hand you have practitioners of Ayurveda, Unani , and Siddha systems, who are institutionally qualified and trained in colleges . on the other hand, there is the folk stream or LOK parampara , which is rich and diverse. This includes home remedies , dos and don'ts in day-to-day life , adaptations to the seasons , Pathyam and Apathyam . knowledge of  foods and properties of foods to be prefferred and avoided in various conditions , tribal or folk health practitioners , families specialising in the treatment of various diseases such as asthma ,jaundice , etc .and above all specialists to take care of conditions such as bone injury and treatment for poison. There are also practices like Yoga or martial art , traditions such as kalari and silambam, which have a preventive or promotive role.


  •   Optimam care of pregnent mothers and the new born. 
  • Teaching mothers and birth attendants to keep infants clear and warm , there by reducing illness and death.  
  • Vaccinating children at the right time.   
  • Arresting the spread of HIV through promoting candom use.  
  • Providing antiretroviral medicines to HIV infected individuals.   
  • Providing insectioide-treated bed nets in malaria infested areas.
  • Enforcing traffic regulator by installing speed bumps to bring down the number of deaths from road accidents each year.     


              In India, clothing style varies depending upon region, weather conditions and culture. Traditional dress is lungi for men and sari for women , in addition to it , choridar and kuta pajamas are also quite popular . people love to wear geans , shirts and t shirts.

Indian festivals

             India is known as to be a multi cultural and multi religious country. Traditions and practiced in India are Holi ,Dewali , Sankradan ,Dree Festival etc . music and dance are an integral part of in dian society .         
                          Religions practiced in India include Hinduism ,Jainism , buddhism , Sikhism and Islam . India is known to be the region of collective religions.

Indian classical dance

                  Dancing is nothing but expression of the mind through body movements. Gestures coupled with rhythmical movements and expression can be defined as dance.              
                 The history of dance is thus as old as humanity itself . In some ancient cultures , it has developed in to a beautiful form of art combining in itself music , drama , literature and religion , where as in some modern societies , dance is a source of pure entertinment .
                              Today among the major classical dance forms of India , we find Bharatanatyam , Bhagavatha mela , Andhra natyam , Kuchipudi , Kathakali , Mohiniyatam and yakshagana , in the south , Kathak in the north odissi in orissa and manipuri . and chau in the north east.




     It is a dance drama tradition . which is the result of the culmination of evolution over centuries of highly stylized theatrical traditions of kerala , Particularly kudiyatam. Ritual traditions, such as Theyyams and mudiyattam and the martial arts of kerala, influenced the evalution of kathakali. Poet vallathol refined and re discovered kathakali. He founded the kerala kalamandalam in 1932 through which a new dimension has been given to this form.